All participants: Please read
Weekly updates go out to coaches starting in mid-January. Usually emails don't require any response, but occasionally they require action. Through the month of January, all requested actions were taken as appropriate. At some point beyond that, though, it appears that some coaches stopped receiving some (or all?) of those updates. Until last week, no actions were requested so no problems were detected - until no one followed through on the requested actions last week!
At this time, we're unsure about why the emails stopped getting through, and it's something that will be heavily investigated in the coming weeks. For now, the important thing is that every delegate have the information they need to be successful next week.
Every delegate needs to sign a release online - and those under 18 need a parent or guardian to sign off as well. The form is located HERE.
Every delegate needs to create a temporary Gmail address following the instructions HERE. Once created, be sure to thoroughly test your ability to access this because, when in committee, you'll use this account to access the documents your committee is creating - and you'll show up as your country (and not your personal name) if you follow the instructions.
Every delegate needs to bring one (or more) Wi-Fi-enabled devices (fully charged) to use each day. Delegates can use FGCU Wi-Fi (no cost) to access their newly-created Gmail account. DO NOT WAIT until Monday morning to test a device's ability to access the Gmail account; do this NOW!
We aren't doing padfolios this year. If you want to have something to take notes on (aside from your device) be sure to bring some paper. Since we don't have the folders, we're not going to hand you a stack of papers at registration, either. Instead, here are the documents you may want to read and/or print.
Our committee chairs come from a variety of backgrounds and have various levels of experience. In an effort to provide some consistency between how the committees are run, this document was created for the chairs. Delegates should read it over because it highlights the rules the chairs will be following.
A quick read through the program will help you get an idea of how things will go next week. You can see an online version of the program HERE, but you'll also get one when you check in on Monday.
Below is the information that was emailed to all coaches yesterday morning, along with several of the documents above. It contains a lot of very important information. Please share this information with all delegates as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call Beth at 239 - 352 - 4041. You may also email Beth at her personal address ( rather than the SWFLMUN address until we figure out what the problem is.
When: Next week, Monday and Tuesday, March 7-8
Where: FGCU main campus - Starting in Cohen Student Union (building with the clock tower)
Park: Cars in Garage #3 - Come in the main entrance. At the T (facing Lutgert Hall) take a left. After the curve, the garage is on your right.
Buses in Lot #8 - Continue past Garage #3, through the light, and around the second bend. Lot #8 is on the right.
All garages and lots are well marked.
You do NOT need to stop for a parking permit on the way in.
Time: Registration opens Monday morning at 8am. We won’t be ready earlier!
The opening session begins at 9:00 am. You’ll be done Monday at 4:00-ish.
Tuesday, delegates can report directly to their committee rooms. The first session begins at 9:00 am.
We should finish about 5:00 on Tuesday.
Delegates should bring at least one WiFi-enabled, fully charged device.
Every delegate must have a temporary SWFLMUN Gmail address created prior to arrival *according to the directions I sent you last week.*
It’s imperative that the instructions be followed carefully so that everyone stays known to judges only by their country.
The instructions are also included in the attached Delegate Document Pack.
Every participant must submit a signed release before Monday morning. Please don’t wait to get this done!!!
You can find the link to the Delegate Release form on the website HERE.
This link is also included in the attached Delegate Document Pack.
We’re not doing padfolios this year, so delegates should bring something to write on if they care to take notes.
Coaches should submit all roster changes to me as soon as possible, well before Monday morning.
Attire: All participants (including coaches) are expected to be in conservative business attire both days of competition.
It is strongly recommended that participants wear comfortable shoes; there can be a lot of walking and standing!
Please avoid jeans, shorts, t-shirts, hoodies, sneakers, etc.
Delegates register by committee, and most committee tables are in the Cohen main lobby area.
The rest of the committees, as well as a table for coaches, judges, etc. will be across from the bookstore adjacent to the lobby.
Coaches will receive delegate certificates of participation when they check-in to present when and how they choose.
Coaches will also get a bag with this year’s delegate “gift” to pass out at the end of the day (so they don’t get lost).
Registered coaches, chaperones, staff, guests, judges and chairs are provided with breakfast both days.
Monday, judges and chairs have a breakfast in Cohen 247. Others should use a voucher in Einstein Bros. Bagels (Cohen, lower level)
Tuesday, this entire group should use a voucher at Einstein Bros. Bagels.
Your voucher(s) will be in the back of your name badge
Delegates are not provided with breakfast either day.
Einstein Bros. Bagels (Cohen lower level) will be open both days from 7am – 3pm for cash sales.
Additional seating for dining is located in Cohen 214.
All registered participants are provided with a box lunch from Jason’s Deli and a bottle of water both days.
Lunch pick-up for delegates and coaches is in the Cohen Student Union lobby starting at noon each day.
All delegates are expected to report to their committee rooms on time and ready to fully participate. They should be present for the entirety of all three sessions as well as after lunch on Friday and at the closing session (speaker and awards) on Tuesday. There are a number of new awards this year, making it possible that even less experienced delegates and delegations could win. Make sure they stay for the closing session!
Our committee chairs come from a variety of backgrounds and have different levels of chairing experience. In order to provide consistency from room to room, the attached “Chairing FAQs” document was created for them. It is strongly recommended that both coaches and delegates read over the document as well since it gives a good summary of what is and isn’t allowed.
Since we’re not doing folios for delegates this year, I’ve attached the documents and information we’ve handed out at registration in past years to this email (the Delegate Document Pack). Please forward this to your students, they will not get hard copies on arrival! They’re welcome to print out anything they’d like to keep handy for reference.
We ask that at least one school representative, preferably the coach or assistant coach, be on campus for the entire event and that you let your students know where they can find you if they need you. Since much of the campus is closed for Spring Break, we suggest the lobbies of Merwin Hall or Lutgert Hall as good places to “hang out” since both areas will keep you easily accessible to your students.
All participants should wear their conference badge at all times while on campus.
It’s very disruptive to have people constantly going in and out of committee rooms. We therefore ask that, if you’d like to observe a committee, you limit entering and exiting a room to times when there’s a lot of activity. (During unmoderated caucuses, for instance, or when a session is just starting up.)
Coaches are reminded that they are not, under any circumstances, to speak directly to committee chairs or judges during the competition. If you have a question or concern, please look for Ed, Alan or Mo, all of whom are generally very visible in Merwin and Lutgert. If you can’t find them, you’re welcome to see me in my “office” – Cohen 245 – and I’ll find someone to assist you.